Wednesday, July 9

When to start feeding solids

It is always best to consult your baby's midwife or G.P. for advice on when to introduce solid foods if you are unsure or have any concerns.

Typically, babies are fed exclusively breast milk or infant formula for the first six months of life, but your doctor will have specific recommendations based on your baby's size and development. When you do begin feeding pureed foods, it is a good idea to introduce them one at a time, watching to be sure that your baby doesn't have an adverse reaction. If you see any reaction get medical advice straight away.

Warning: Never give honey to a child under 1 year. Honey sometimes contains botulism, which can be deadly to babies.

Weaning Chart

This chart gives a basic idea of the type of things to give at the various ages, remember every child is different if you have any concerns speak to a medical proffesional. No salt is needed to be added to a childs food until they are over 1 year

4 - 5 months - semi-liquid purees of things like apple, pear, carrot, potato etc.
5 - 6 months - chicken, dried fruit, apricot, melon, peas, leek, dairy products, peach etc.
6 - 7 months - minced or mashed foods which may include citrus,berries, sweetcorn
7 - 12 months - you can now introduce other meats and vary things a bit more with a chunkier texture.