Thursday, July 10

Basic Vegtable recipe

Preparing vegtables
The best way to prepare the vegtables is to wash them throughly, remove skins any bruised bits, cut them into chunks and then steam them but if you haven't got a steamer, boil them in a pan till soft. Once they are cooked put them in a blender or foodprocessor until they are pureed. Once you have the puree ready, you can store in a tightly covered container in the fridge for up to two days or freeze for up to a month so date the packs


This recipe applies to most vegtables, once you establish which your child likes then you can go on to be a bit more adventerous

Do not add salt, sugar, or fat.

  • 1 cup cooked fresh or frozen vegetables without salt (use potatoes, green beans, peas, carrots, yellow squash)
  • 4-8 Tablespoons cooking liquid, formula, or water

Puree vegetables and liquid in blender until smooth. Serve or freeze.