Monday, June 30

Breast feeding - why do it?

Health profesionals recommend that women who don't have any health
problems should try to give their babies breast milk for at least the first six months of life. Many woman breast feed for longer but most stop when baby starts biting!!

Breast feeding offers many benefits to the baby; breast milk contains the right balance of nutrients to help your infant grow into a strong and healthy toddler. Some of the nutrients in breast milk also help protect your infant against some common childhood illnesses and infections.

One of the main benefits for the mother is that breast feeding helps you to loose that pregnancy jelly belly, a good enough reason to try for us, even if there were no health benefits for the baby.

The most important period in establishing breastfeeding is the first week. The earliest days are the hardest, but with a little knowledge you can do it! The earlier you put the baby to the breast, the earlier the breast milk should come. Your breasts work on the simple principle of supply and demand.

In the first few hours and days your breasts produce a thin, cloudy, yellow substance called colostrum and it is of enormous value to your baby. There is absolutely no substitute for colostrum in doing good for your baby. It gives him or her protection against disease that will last for several months. Don't let it go to waste!