Thursday, July 3

How often should I breast feed?

There are varying schools of thought on how often to feed, on demand or at a set time usually evey four hours, this is your baby and the choice is yours.

If you choose to feed on demand there are signs to pick up on before they cry with hunger. Look out for them putting a finger in the mouth, and turning the head from side to side looking for the breast, sucking through jumpers or at other peoples breasts. You will soon see the signs and avoid the tears. It can be very tiring to feed on demand many women say they now know how a cow feels but some people feel it is beneficial as it keeps milk supplies strong. But expressing milk and storing it in the fridge for some one else to feed can help to alleviate this feeling and allow you the freedom to get on with other things in you life.

Expressing the milk is a great idea and it has saved many a frantic mum who wants to leave the baby either to go out or to go back to work, or just have a break. It is best to avoid too much alcohol when you are brest feeding as it may affect the babies feeding,sleeping or digestion.